All kinds of Everything with Emily AKA Fashionablyfortyish

When I thought about asking some friends of Flamingo to feature on our Blog, I knew who I wanted to ask first! Emily has been such a great support to us since the very first day we opened our doors. She was one of the first to do tryons for us & we always have great fun when she comes to the shop. Emily rocked the runway at our first "BIG" event and we look forward to lots more firsts with her! Here is a fab little chat that we had about all kinds of everything! Check out our IGTV, where Emily has styled a gorgeous Soyaconcept dress 4 ways. (The IGTV was also another First for Emily!!)

Hi Emily, Tell us a little bit about yourself and what you do ?

Hello Ladies, My name is Emily Aka Fashionablyfortyish and i am a 40-year old mum to two girls, living in Cork with my husband Chris. I have been obsessed with fashion for as long as i can remember, as far back as aged 5/6 when i wanted to wear a pair of dungarees (they were all the rage among my peers) and i was told in no uncertain terms by my mum that i couldn't because i might pee my pants trying to take them off. I used to wear every colour under the sun, all the at the same time, and my mum looked at me one day and said "a little bit of style advice Em...Three colours. Maximum". I was 8 years of age and her tip stayed with me because it is usually the basis of my outfits today!I started my Instagram page over a year ago to focus my love of clothes and style, and it is so much fun. The interaction side of it, chatting with many like-minded women is just really uplifting every day and definitely helps boost my spirits, especially as we wait for lockdown to end.

I would love it if you would follow my page and I look forward to chatting with you. Stay Safe and well, Em x

So tell us what have you been getting upto during lockdown?

Cleaning. So much cleaning. I am also doing a huge amount of organisind, arranging, shouting, educating, bossing, cooking, styling, washing, drying, ironing, eating and drinking!

What is the 1st thing/s you are going to do once lockdown is over?

That's easy. I will go straight to my mum and dad and hug and kiss them, then I'll go to my sister and see her and all her kids, up to my grampa in the nursing home, over to Granny who is at home alone and missing Grampa and finally I'll pop into H&M and Zara for a quick snoop.

Describe your style for us?

I always find this question hard to answer because i think i have a few different styles. It all depends on my mood. But if i had to label it, i'd probably say i'm quite a classic dresser.

Where do you like to shop?

Ehh.... Flamingo obviously!! Also H&M, Zara, Samui and Trotter Childrenswear in london for the girls.

Do you shop online? if so what are your favourite sites?

Yes and Yes! All of the above, and then a few more!!

Who is your Style Icon

Icon is quite a big word! My Mum would definitely have inspired me growing up, and even now. I really admire her dress sense and would like to be as stylish as her when I'm 70! My favourite Influencers are Laura Wills @thefashionbugblog and Yonne Mellon @ystyle

Do you have a best buy/bargain?

My favourite buys have been my golden goose trainers. They are quite precious to me!

Worst buy?

A Metallic mini skirt in Zara girls that i thought would look good on me. I was horribly mistaken. Mutton Dressed as lamb springs to mind!

What is your favourite item in wardrobe right now?

The thing I wear the most is a cashmere jumper that i bought in London in a shop called Eric Bompard. It is a French label and their cashmere is exquisite. I've worn it so much now that it is only seen on me when I'm inside the house.

Best style tip?

Three colours max! Also, if some thing is uncomfortable on you, don't buy it or wear it. It is usually a sign that it is either badly made or doesn't fit you.

Best Make-up tip?

Don't use highlighter and don't do big eyebrows that terrify little children. I made that mistake

What do you like to do in your spare time? I Like being with my friends and family having a laugh. I love playing tennis and my favourite thing ever is to be stuck in a really good book or tv series.

You can find all of Emily's links here.

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